27 April 2024

18 Shawwal 1445

Itikaf 2018

As we near the last 10 days of this blessed month, the opportunity to enter the Masjid as a Mu’takif for I’tikaf is now available.

What is I’tikaf?

“To confine oneself in a mosque for prayers, invocations and Ibadah, leaving the worldly activities for a limited number of days”

I’tikaf is a Sunnah of our beloved Prophet ﷺ. It is related on the authority of our mother Ayesha (RA) that:

“The Apostle of Allah ﷺ observed I’tikaf in the last ten days of Ramadhan, until the end of his life. After his death, his wives continued with it.” – Bukhari and Muslim.

The purpose of I’tikaf is to seek a favourable environment in which one can get closer to Allah (SWT). This confinement and devotion distances preoccupations with worldly life; allowing one to attain inner composure, serenity and focus purely on the greater eternal reality. The aim being to reach a state of mind whereby all fears, hopes and apprehensions are superseded by love, devotion, and remembrance of Allah (SWT).

When will I’tikaf begin?

I’tikaf will begin at Maghrib on the night of 21st Ramadhan (5th June) insha’Allah.

Brothers wishing to perform I’tikaf at Glasgow Central Mosque should complete the I’tikaf 2018 Registration Form which can be downloaded here and must be submitted to the main office, 1 Mosque Avenue, Glasgow, G5 9TA. Alternatively, a hard copy is available from Glasgow Central Mosque.

Sisters can dedicate an area/room at home where they may remain for their I’tikaf.

May Allah (SWT) accept our fasting, prayers and worship during this blessed month.

Ramadhan Timetable 2018 / 1439 AH

Alhamdulillah we are pleased to make available the 2018 Ramadhan timetable.

An electronic copy can be downloaded here and a paper copy can be picked up from the Main Office within Glasgow Central Mosque.

May Allah (swt) make Sha’ban blessed for us, and let us reach Ramadhan.

If you require further clarification on the Ramadhan times please click here.

Ramadhan Announcement

Following the Imam’s meeting tonight, GCM will be observing the first fast of Ramadhan on Thursday 17th May, which means Taraweeh commences tomorrow night.
We kindly request everyone to plan their journey to the Masjid. Arrive early, car share as much as possible, park conscientiously and listen to the instructions of the stewards & volunteers.
Within the Masjid we request you follow the correct etiquettes by keeping noise to a minimum and keeping the Masjid clean and tidy.
May Allah SWT grant everybody all the spiritual benefits of Ramadhan. 
Jaz’a’kallah Khair

Tips for Ramadhan

– Fasting is not just refraining from eating, drinking and sexual desires, it is also about resisting from all types of sin big or small. This includes safeguarding the eyes, the tongue and cleansing our everyday interactions and transactions.

– Let us be particularly vigilant regarding our 5 times prayer together with our night time Tarawih.

– The noble Qur’an and Ramadhan have a special connection so lets recite as much as possible.

– Simple food means faster eating times, easier digestion, less preparation time, and best of all, more spiritual benefit by learning to control our desires.

– If we haven’t already done so, now might be good time to book holidays for the last 10 days of Ramadhan so we can perform the Sunnah of I’tikaf.

– Make lots of dua in private moments; not only for ourselves but for the entire Ummah, especially the oppressed. A fasting person’s Dua is more likely to be accepted.

– Avoid gossip whether at home, work, with friends or in the Masjid as gossip wastes away any accumulated deeds and benefit we may have gained.

– Pay your Fitrana as soon as possible, preferably before the 15th of Ramadhan, so it can be distributed to the needy prior to Eid.

GCM Progress report 2016-2018

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

In the name of Allah; the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Tomorrow’s Annual General Meeting in Glasgow Central Mosque (GCM) will signal the end of this Executive Committee’s term in office.

Attached is the Progress report: a short summary of the work we’ve been involved in this term.

It’s a privilege to have been able to serve Allah swt’s house and the community. All good is from Him and we pray He and the community forgive any shortcomings.

Jaz’a’kallah Khair

Executive Committee of GCM