Living as a Muslim
Time: Monday, after Isha
Location: Basement
Suitability: Brothers – Age 13+
Weekly study sessions covering Aqaaid, Fiqh, Tazkiyah and Aadaab
Zikr Majlis
Time: Monday, after Isha
Location: Main Prayer Hall
Suitability: Brothers at all levels
Qur’an Tafseer
Time: Tuesday, after Maghrib (Spring/Summer) or after Isha (Autumn/Winter)
Location: Main Prayer Hall
Suitability: English speaking Brothers and sisters at all levels
Tajweed Class
Time: Wednesday, at 7.15pm (Autumn/Winter) or 1.5 hours prior to Maghrib (Spring/Summer).
Location: Small Prayer Room
Suitability: Brothers at all levels
Please email if you would like to attend.
Online Sisters Halaqah (Urdu)
Time: Thursday, at 12pm
Location: Online (Zoom) – Click here to join
Suitability: Urdu speaking Sisters at all levels
Durood Sharif Majlis
Time: Thursday, after Maghrib (Spring/Summer) or after Isha (Autumn/Winter)
Location: Main Prayer Hall
Suitability: Urdu speaking Brothers and sisters at all levels
Faza’il-e-Durood Sharif
Hadith Lecture
Time: Friday, after Maghrib (Spring/Summer) or after Isha (Autumn/Winter)
Location: Main Prayer Hall
Suitability: English speaking Brothers and Sisters at all levels
Lectures on a Selection of Ahadeeth from the Shamail of the Holy Prophet ﷺ taken from the Shamail of Imam Tirmidhi RA