Hepatitis Awareness & Testing
Glasgow Central Mosque are pleased to continue working in partnership with The Hepatitis C Trust to raise awareness and test members of the public in a drive to tackle this “hidden” epidemic.
This Friday 4th October, from 10am till 3pm, a talk and testing will be available for both males and females in the Small Community Hall. (females tested separately by dedicated female professionals).
Hepatitis C is a blood-borne virus which can cause fatal liver damage and cancer. There are around 34,500 people chronically infected with hepatitis C in Scotland. Hepatitis C is often called a “hidden” epidemic because the virus does not cause obvious symptoms and most people lack awareness of the disease. In Scotland, approximately 15,500 (45% of the total) people living with hepatitis C have yet to be diagnosed. Hepatitis C is more common in some ethnic minorities, including the South Asian community.
We encourage all to attend. If you have any questions or queries please email helpline@hepctrust.org.uk.