Qurbani Seminar
Glasgow Central Mosque invites you to a seminar on Qurbani that will be particularly beneficial for Muslim parents, professionals and young adults in general. The seminar will cover the wisdom, virtue, method and etiquette of Qurbani.
Date: Thursday 9th August from Asr (7pm) to Maghrib (9.14pm)
Location: Small Community Hall, Glasgow Central Mosque, 1 Mosque Ave G5 9TA
For every Ummah (religious community) We prescribed the act of sacrifice, so that they recite Allah’s name over the provision He gave them from the cattle. So your God is one God. Therefore, to Him alone you must submit. And give good news to those who turn to Him with humbleness [Al Qur’an 22:34]
This is a free event in English for brothers & sisters and we encourage all to attend. May Allah swt make this beneficial. Ameen