Shaykh Zahir Mahmood
Glasgow Central Mosque is pleased to host Shaykh Zahir Mahmood of Birmingham, a student of Darul Uloom Al Arabiya Al Islamiya (Bury), Al Jamiiyah al Islamiyah (Karachi), Dar al-Uloom Newcastle (South Africa) and the founder/principal of As-Suffa Institute in Birmingham.
Shaykh’s inspirational speech, in English, on the Seerah of the Prophet ﷺ will take place on Friday 15th November after the Isha Salah at 8.45pm In’sha’allah.
Brothers and Sisters are welcome.
May Allah (swt) make this event beneficial for us all.
For those who were unable to attend Shaykh’s talk on the Seerah of the Prophet ﷺ can click here to listen.